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The Property Maintenance People

PPM Limited donates a year’s supply of Emergency Grab Bags to Women Out West

PPM is supporting our local community by providing Emergency Grab Bags to women who flee domestic violence, and who often leave their family home with no more than the clothes they stand up in.

As a company, we were moved to offer this support when we saw a recent campaign by Women Out West highlighting the difference that a “Grab Bag” packed with essentials and a couple of home comforts can make to a woman in this situation. 

As has been widely publicised, cases of domestic abuse increased dramatically during the 2020 lockdowns and tiered restrictions due to Covid-19. The increase is not only in number of cases, but also in the severity and escalation of the incidents reported. WoW collaborates with partner agencies in Cumbria to support women in their personal development, to signpost women to the best support available and to provide practical help in these emergency situations. 

Rachel Holliday, founder of Women Out West, said “Tangible support from PPM Limited and their commitment to provide these lifeline bags to survivors of abuse is priceless, and we are so grateful for their contribution. We all know that this has been a terrible year for women isolated by lockdown, and with help from compassionate businesses we can make a real difference to the wellbeing of women at some of the lowest points in their lives.”   

Beth Nicholls, Communications and Development Manager at PPM, said “We’re absolutely delighted to be able to support the work that Women Out West are doing.  Especially with COVID-19 exacerbating an already serious problem. At PPM we take great pride and satisfaction in taking the time to give something back to the local communities which we serve. This isn’t something we do because we feel obliged to do it; it is something we do because we genuinely want to.”

Women Out West works to support women in West Cumbria and offers expert and safe support to survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. Its mission is to empower women to reach their full potential and help them to move their lives forward to a better future.

For more information on the work the WoW does, please visit their website: